Welcome to the Awana Bible Clubs page on the Bible Baptist Church Website. If you are unaware of the Awana Bible Clubs we will explain a little bit about the Awana Bible Clubs on this page. Our Awana Bible Clubs is available for children 3 years old through the 12th grade.  Each week your child will have a memory verse to work on to recite that following Wednesday and they will be taught a lesson from the Bible during each Awana night as well. We have game time for each age group for them to get rid of some energy and make it a fun experience as well. Some of the classes even provide a snack during the class as well. This Awana Program is designed around II Timothy 2:15 with a goal to teach boys and girls about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to teach them the ability to tell others about the Love of Jesus. We hope that you will enroll your child in the Awana program as it will help your child learn each book of the Bible and help them to be able to find the book in the Bible and it will help them learn valuable lessons that will help them later in life. Below you will see a registration form to fill out to enroll your child in the Awana program. This will help our teachers have a little information about each child in the class to help them prepare each week. Thank you for checking out the Awana Bible Program page. If you have any questions feel free to contact us. The Awana Bible Clubs started on Wednesday September 4th but you can still register your child/grandchild for Awana and attend the clubs. Our Awana Clubs meet Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The Awana Clubs will meet from September until May with a break for Thanksgiving and 2 weeks for Christmas and end of the year.

We are excited to be expanding our Awana program this year and include the 7th through 12th grade teens and pre-teens. Our teachers are excited to begin this new class and we hope that your children will come and enjoy the fun and learn God’s word.


     7th-12th Grade Boys and Girls